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Chattogram Field Hospital

(First Non-Govt. Covid-19 Field Hospital In Bangladesh)

About Us

Our Story

Chattogram Field Hospital is the first post-liberation field hospital in Bangladesh to provide medical services to the patients of Covid-19.On April 21, 2020, the hospital officially started medical services. The hospital was transformed into a full-fledged hospital with the initiative of Dr. Bidduth Barua and the micro-financing of the people of Bangladesh and the provision of space to the Navana Group. A team of doctors, nurses and Young Volunteer are providing services in this hospital under the leadership of Dr. Bidduth Barua. Originally complete with Covid-19 patients
In addition to providing free services, other patients are also being served here. Although fever, cold, sneeze and cough are predominant in patients, any patient can avail free services from here. Dr. Bidduth is the chief entrepreneur at the hospital and is currently serving as the CEO with dedication.
It is being planned to make it a world class hospital in the future with the cooperation of all.
CFH Gate

Our Mission

At low cost, with the combination of all modern medical facilities, with the aim of sincere and good service for all people

Our Vision

Medical care is not just about medicine. Rather sincerity, care and well-being refer to a perfect service in the combination of all things. This is to spread this principle of medical service among all.